Hello! How is your summer? Almost over eh? I can’t believe It’s August already-time flies when you’re having fun/busy.

Have you tried Patty Pan Squash yet? It’s delicious!!! You can eat the skin and the whole inside. I say that because today I had a really good question from a customer-“Do I have to take the insides out/peel the skin?” You can eat the whole thing! taste very similar to zucchini and similar texture.

Simile Patty Pan Recipe

  • Wash and Slice your P.P
  • chop 1-2 cloves garlic
  • chopped onion (your choice and use as much or as little as you like)
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Basil for garnish

heat garlic and olive oil, add onions. Add sliced P.P squash. Garnish with basil. Enjoy!

This is so yummy yet so simple.  I have been cutting up lots of zucchini and freezing it. AND making doubles of every dinner so I can freeze some meals. When baby arrives I know how busy it will be and how busy the Farmer will be, so taking a meal from the freeze with help lots and save money (from eating out). A lot of you have asked when Babe # 2 will arrive…I don’t really know, but I do figure end of September or early October. I stopped telling people my “estimated due date” for many reason.

Anyways, I hope you all have been enjoying our fresh veggies. Its so nice to see everyone return for more corn.

Have a nice LONG (August) weekend. We will be open during our normal hours.
