管理番号 | 中古 :Z8232742166 | 発売日 | 2025/02/04 05:19 | 定価 | 35000円 | 型番 | 80142355790 | ||
原型 | 冲岛都夏 | ||||||||
カテゴリ |
ハセガワ 1/350 航空母艦 隼鷹(初回特典付)& 純正ディテールアップパーツフルセット
TAMIYA タミヤ 日本戦艦 大和 1/350 SCALE BATTLESHIP 完成品 未使用 Masterwork Collection KK2
☆未使用・未組立品 希少 日本丸 1930 不二美術模型 4檣バーク型練習船<世界最大級> 1/75スケール 木製帆船模型 NIPPONMARU レトロ レア
新品未開封品 デアゴスティーニ 1/10 週刊 TOYOTA 2000GT 全65巻 未開封 未使用
デアゴスティーニ Toyota 2000GT 1/10 ディアゴスティーニ 完成品 トヨタ 専用ガラスケース サウンド有 SPECプレート
Model Factory Hiro モデルファクトリーヒロ 1/12 LOTUS TYPE 88B フルディティールキット ロータス 新品 4580011508222
発送はゆうパック壊れ物扱いを考えていますが、発送方法・受け取り方法は落札者様のご要望にできるだけ沿わせていただきます。 東京界隈でしたら手渡しも可能です。
送料はご負担下さいませ。海外発送もOKです。 搬送中の破損がないよう十分注意して梱包いたしますが、万一の際は落札者様にて接着等をお願いします。
shipping overseas available.
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Plus exchange fee, paying with doller or Euro available.
I pack it enough with care so that there is not damage transporting, but if found some damage , please fix it by yourself.
日本陸軍 特殊船「神洲丸」昭和17年頃(1/700 二コモデル)
IJA Assult ship/aircraft carrier (official name:special ship) Shinshumaru 1942(Nikomodel)
Reference document:
Dainihon kaiga "visual guide of merchant vessels during WW2""IJA Ships"
Blueprints preserved on Yasukuni Shrine
神州丸が飛行機を実戦で発進させた機会は、昭和一二年九月二三日、白河々口から乗船した独立飛行第四中隊(中支那方面軍 松井石根大将隷下、九四式偵察機九機を装備、神崎清大尉(36期)隊長)を分解格納、船内で組み立てて、上海方面へ洋上から発進させた一回きりでした。
This model is based on resin kit from Polish maker, Niko model.
Kit included photo-eched parts, and there were less need to add extra parts. I only made tires and lifesaving materials by myself.
During the first Shanghai incident(1932),IJA made assault-before enemy landing ,and from that mission, japanese arimy learned difficurlty of shifting soildiers fromk ship to landing boat in front of enemy.that made decision to make landingcraft tender.
However, IJN had no know-how to build such ship, so they asked navy shipbuilding inst.itute to help building the ship.&nb sp;The first draft was very amazing and considered as not available. so, navy institute had remodeled the first draft and made better and practical.
As reusult , the ships shape looked as modern RORO ship or vheecle tranceporter (it were amazing on that day).
she was first plannned to equip 3 4000HP diesel engine, 3 shafts, but in reality, she equiped turbine engine with IJN kanponshiki boilor, 1 shaft, 7000HP.but speed did not change.she was capable to make 20.4knots.
IJA named this ship "shinshu maru ", began constructing (there are several dates by refference) in april 1933 at Harima zosen, delivered in 30th november, and coplete celemony were held in Ushuina, december 15th.
She also had another names as "Ryujo maru(sane asIJN Ryujo)", "MT ship"(meaning military tranceporter, or coming from name of director, Matsuda and Tajiri), "GL ship" (maybe came from meaning of ship, GODLAND).
Ships identity was "special ship". she was actually the very first assult ship and army aircraft carrier.
After damaged in 1943 by friendly fire from CA Mogami,she was salvaged.after that, she seems to have removed large crane and catapults,add AAgun deck, and sunk in 1944 by both air and submarine attack.
The most identicle equipment of Shinshumaru is boat launching deck.It penetrates ship from stern to stem, and there were 2 doors (opens upward) on stem, 1 each on side to slip ship out.
there were pull wire on roof of ship, and she was capable to lauch landing boat one by one in very short time.
The door on side was consisted by 6 plates, and gantry crane was stored inside. rails were pulled out from upper door.
There were also boat deck on stern, middle and stem.
The front boat deck had large derrick post with large crane (said to be capable 30t), and this crane was also used to carry aircrafts and catapults.this large crane seems to have been removed in 1944.
Middle deck equiped small motorboats called "shohatsu", and takendown by davids.
Stem deck carried small rapid boats and armored boats to protect landing boats.
Second identicle point is capability to carry aircrafts.
Though she had no way. to return aircrafts, she had capability to lauch aircrafts from catapults on both side. aircrafts were assembled in deck called "horse deck".
Compared to normal tranceporter ,which takes at reast few days to assemble and adjust, she had capability to make airpower on first day of mission.
The only chance to lauch aircrafts were in 23th september 1937.
The independent 4th airunit(equiped 9 of type94 recon plane, captain Kiyoshi Kanzaki) , carried from Shirakawa ,were assembled inship, and launched to Shanghai.
She had 2 funnels. but only thin,small one was real one. another large funnel was originated as battleship Hyuga, and it were add to hide aircraft deck, and pretend as if IJA has several type of ship.
size of ship was originaly designed as 445of 60 feet, 135.6m of18.3m.
It were enlarged to 144m of 22m. but width of waterline is about 19m.
おそらく夜間荷役や停泊時の海上警戒に使われると思われる探照灯はキットのままです。 透明部品に置き換えようと思いましたが、不使用時は白い防水布で梱包されているはずですので、そのように塗装で表現しています。 serchlights are painted as if it is covered by waterproof canvas.
There is armored boat on boat deck.
her mast is made of 0.5 and 0.2mm brass line.
Antenna lines are made of 0.15mm steel wire.
she may have equiped signal lights to make fleet movement, but it is not confirmed.
Shinshumaru equiped 4 of type 88 7cm AAguns on upper deck, and 2 single 20mm AA machineguns on watchdecck of stem door.
At the beggining of pacific war,dditonal 2 machineguns and one field gun was add.
In 1944, 8 basement of guns are confirmed by photo, but front deck seems to be empty.
Shinshumaru,s color was painted in gray (gunkan-iro, warship color).
Maybe she was repainted in green carmo in 1944.
より詳しい説明記事と写真はこちらをご覧下さい。please look this page.there is more about this model
If you wanted to know more about model, please look at my website,